Airports Near Me, Nearest Airport Search, Oaxaca, Mexico

See Also: Mexico Nearest Airport Search

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This is an online tool to search airports in Oaxaca, Mexico nearest to the entered place, city, town or village and display them on the map with their distances.
Both domestic/regional and international airports in Oaxaca, Mexico with their IATA codes will be listed.
Click "Airports Near Me, Find Now" button to search airport from Oaxaca, Mexico near your location.
OR Enter the place in the above text box and select from the list of options.
This will display the tabular list of airports nearest to the selected place, city, town or village in Oaxaca, Mexico, sorted by their distance.
Note: Data of all the airports in the Oaxaca, Mexico may not be available or may not be accurate and distances are air distances.
Quick Reference:
Bellow is the list of some of the major cities with their nearest airport in Mexico for your quick reference. Click the city link to display nearest 10 airports around the city with distances on map.
CityNearest Airport
Oaxaca de JuarezXoxocotlán International Airport
San Juan Bautista TuxtepecGeneral Heriberto Jara International Airport
Salina CruzIxtepec Airport
Juchitan de ZaragozaIxtepec Airport
Santa Cruz XoxocotlanXoxocotlán International Airport
Huajuapan de LeonXoxocotlán International Airport
Santo Domingo TehuantepecIxtepec Airport
Santiago Pinotepa NacionalPuerto Escondido International Airport
San Jeronimo IxtepecIxtepec Airport
Matias RomeroIxtepec Airport
CityNearest Airport
Puerto EscondidoPuerto Escondido International Airport
Miahuatlan de Porfirio DiazBahías de Huatulco International Airport
San Antonio de la CalXoxocotlán International Airport
San Gabriel Casa BlancaXoxocotlán International Airport
Santa Maria Asuncion TlaxiacoXoxocotlán International Airport
San Jacinto OcotlanXoxocotlán International Airport
San Pedro PochutlaBahías de Huatulco International Airport
Union HidalgoIxtepec Airport
Trinidad de ZaachilaXoxocotlán International Airport
Tlacolula de MatamorosXoxocotlán International Airport