Airport Near Nghia Lo, Yen Bai, Vietnam

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Airports with scheduled flights sorted by distance.
TypeAirport NameCityIATA CodeConnectivityDistance
Noi Bai International AirportHanoiHAN140.05 km
Dien Bien Phu AirportDien Bien PhuDIN157.69 km
Cat Bi International AirportHaiphongHPH244.81 km
Vinh AirportVinhVII340.3 km
Dong Hoi AirportDong HoiVDH503.48 km

=Medium Airport, =Large Airport
 Connectivity ratings are based on the airport's flight routes to other airports. The above list contains Regional/Domestic as well as International airports.

Nearest cities/towns/villages from Nghia Lo, Yen Bai, Vietnam.
Tram Tau(Yen Bai)11.37 km
Ban Cang(Son La)34.46 km
An Chang(Son La)37.36 km
Yen Bai(Yen Bai)37.84 km
Major cities/towns/villages within 100km from Nghia Lo, Yen Bai, Vietnam.
Yen Bai(Yen Bai)37.84 km
Tuyen Quang(Tuyen Quang)76.59 km
Son La(Son La)71.17 km
Son Duong(Tuyen Quang)91.96 km
Thuong Nong(Phu Tho)91.87 km

Airports Near Nghia Lo, Yen Bai, Vietnam on map

All and accurate airports data may not be available.
Also the distances are straight line distances (air distances) calculated using latitude and longitude of the airports.