Airport Near Anse La Raye, Anse-la-Raye, Saint Lucia

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Airports with scheduled flights sorted by distance.
TypeAirport NameCityIATA CodeConnectivityDistance
George F. L. Charles AirportCastriesSLU10.6 km
Hewanorra International AirportVieux FortUVF23.9 km

=Medium Airport, =Large Airport
 Connectivity ratings are based on the airport's flight routes to other airports. The above list contains Regional/Domestic as well as International airports.

Nearest cities/towns/villages from Anse La Raye, Anse-la-Raye, Saint Lucia.
Au Tabor(Anse-la-Raye)0 km
Anse La Raye(Anse-la-Raye)0 km
Massacre(Anse-la-Raye)0 km
Theodorine(Anse-la-Raye)1.85 km
Marigot Bay(Castries)2.58 km
Major cities/towns/villages within 100km from Anse La Raye, Anse-la-Raye, Saint Lucia.
Bisee(Castries)11.73 km
Vieux Fort(Vieux-Fort)25.72 km
Micoud(Micoud)19.38 km
Soufriere(Soufriere)9.44 km
Dennery(Dennery)16.61 km

Airports Near Anse La Raye, Anse-la-Raye, Saint Lucia on map

All and accurate airports data may not be available.
Also the distances are straight line distances (air distances) calculated using latitude and longitude of the airports.