Distance between Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport SJC, United States and Chicago O'Hare International Airport ORD, United States, Flight Time/Duration

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Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport SJC, United States
Chicago O'Hare International Airport ORD, United States
1824.95 mi
2936.97 km
1584.79 NM
4:09 Hr

Flight / Air Distance:
Kilometers: 2936.97 km., Miles: 1824.95 miles., Nautical Miles: 1584.79 NM.

Estimated flight time: 4:09 hours. (With average airplane speed of 567mph and additional time).

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This page displays distance with Airports Distance Map and Flight time between Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport SJC and Chicago O'Hare International Airport ORD.
The distance is displayed in km, miles and NM units. Central locations in the SJC and ORD are used to calculate the distance. Also the estimated airplane flight time is displayed.
Below are the charts of distances of Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport and Chicago O'Hare International Airport from world's some major Airports.
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta ATL,United States2111/33974:29
Chicago O'Hare International Airport, Chicago ORD,United States1825/29374:09
Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles LAX,United States308/4961:22
Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Dallas-Fort Worth DFW,United States1435/23103:21
John F Kennedy International Airport, New York JFK,United States2563/41255:21
Chicago O'Hare International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta International Airport, Atlanta ATL,United States607/9762:03
Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing PEK,China6563/1056212:23
London Heathrow Airport, London LHR,United Kingdom3942/63437:38
Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Paris CDG,France4141/66648:12
Frankfurt am Main Airport, Frankfurt am Main FRA,Germany4331/69718:26
Below are the charts of distances of Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport and Chicago O'Hare International Airport from their nearest Airports.
Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Reno Tahoe International Airport, Reno RNO,United States188/3031:13
Bob Hope Airport, Burbank BUR,United States296/4771:21
Los Angeles International Airport, Los Angeles LAX,United States308/4961:22
Ontario International Airport, Ontario ONT,United States333/5361:24
John Wayne Airport-Orange County Airport, Santa Ana SNA,United States342/5501:24
Chicago O'Hare International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
General Mitchell International Airport, Milwaukee MKE,United States67/1081:05
South Bend Regional Airport, South Bend SBN,United States84/1351:06
Dane County Regional Truax Field, Madison MSN,United States108/1741:08
Central Illinois Regional Airport at Bloomington-Normal, Bloomington/Normal BMI,United States116/1871:08
Muskegon County Airport, Muskegon MKG,United States118/1901:08
*Please note that all the distance between the airports is calculated as shortest distance on earth surface and not the actual flight travel distance.