Distance between Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport DKR, Senegal and Banjul International Airport BJL, Gambia, Flight Time/Duration

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Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport DKR, Senegal
Banjul International Airport BJL, Gambia
111.95 mi
180.17 km
97.22 NM
1:08 Hr

Flight / Air Distance:
Kilometers: 180.17 km., Miles: 111.95 miles., Nautical Miles: 97.22 NM.

Estimated flight time: 1:08 hours. (With average airplane speed of 567mph and additional time).

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This page displays distance with Airports Distance Map and Flight time between Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport DKR and Banjul International Airport BJL.
The distance is displayed in km, miles and NM units. Central locations in the DKR and BJL are used to calculate the distance. Also the estimated airplane flight time is displayed.
Below are the charts of distances of Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport and Banjul International Airport from world's some major Airports.
Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Charles de Gaulle International Airport, Paris CDG,France2626/42265:25
John F Kennedy International Airport, New York JFK,United States3803/61207:28
Barcelona International Airport, Barcelona BCN,Spain2177/35044:34
Atatürk International Airport, Istanbul IST,Turkey3305/53196:33
Dubai International Airport, Dubai DXB,United Arab Emirates4733/76179:14
Banjul International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Barcelona International Airport, Barcelona BCN,Spain2237/36004:38
Gran Canaria Airport, Gran Canaria Island LPA,Spain1012/16282:31
Mohammed V International Airport, Casablanca CMN,Morocco1497/24093:26
Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport, Dakar DKR,Senegal112/1801:08
Lungi International Airport, Freetown FNA,Sierra Leone402/6461:28
Below are the charts of distances of Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport and Banjul International Airport from their nearest Airports.
Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Banjul International Airport, Banjul BJL,Gambia112/1801:08
Ziguinchor Airport, Ziguinchor ZIG,Senegal171/2761:12
Osvaldo Vieira International Airport, Bissau OXB,Guinea-Bissau232/3741:16
Nouakchott–Oumtounsy International Airport, Nouakchott NKC,Mauritania266/4291:19
Praia International Airport, Praia RAI,Cape Verde401/6461:28
Banjul International Airport Distance To AirportDistance (mi/km)Flight Time (hr)
Léopold Sédar Senghor International Airport, Dakar DKR,Senegal112/1801:08
Osvaldo Vieira International Airport, Bissau OXB,Guinea-Bissau120/1941:08
Lungi International Airport, Freetown FNA,Sierra Leone402/6461:28
Praia International Airport, Praia RAI,Cape Verde471/7581:33
Gran Canaria Airport, Gran Canaria Island LPA,Spain1012/16282:31
*Please note that all the distance between the airports is calculated as shortest distance on earth surface and not the actual flight travel distance.