Airport Near Bajo Grande, Salta, Argentina

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Airports with scheduled flights sorted by distance.
TypeAirport NameCityIATA CodeConnectivityDistance
Martin Miguel De Guemes International AirportSaltaSLA113.48 km
Gobernador Horacio Guzman International AirportSan Salvador de JujuyJUJ122.33 km
Teniente Benjamin Matienzo AirportSan Miguel de TucumánTUC176.43 km
Termas de Río Hondo international AirportTermas de Río HondoRHD242.59 km
Vicecomodoro Angel D. La Paz Aragonés AirportSantiago del EsteroSDE269.25 km

=Medium Airport, =Large Airport
 Connectivity ratings are based on the airport's flight routes to other airports. The above list contains Regional/Domestic as well as International airports.

Nearest cities/towns/villages from Bajo Grande, Salta, Argentina.
Bajo Grande(Salta)0 km
Chorroarin(Salta)26.87 km
Ceibalito(Salta)34.92 km
Alto del Mistol(Salta)39.24 km
Chanar Muyo(Salta)39.29 km
Major cities/towns/villages within 100km from Bajo Grande, Salta, Argentina.
Agua Caliente(Jujuy)95.03 km
Algarrobal Viejo(Santiago del Estero)62.08 km
Belgrano(Santiago del Estero)82.12 km
Candelaria(Santiago del Estero)93.08 km
Acosta(Salta)75.51 km

Airports Near Bajo Grande, Salta, Argentina on map

All and accurate airports data may not be available.
Also the distances are straight line distances (air distances) calculated using latitude and longitude of the airports.